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Você está pronto para dominar a criação de imagens com inteligência artificial? Bem-vindo ao curso "Como criar imagens com inteligência artificial: Domine a criação de artes no Midjourney e Leonardo AI"! Se você é apaixonado por design gráfico e deseja explorar o potencial da IA para criar imagens incríveis, este curso é perfeito para você!

Descubra as possibilidades ilimitadas que a inteligência artificial oferece para a criação visual. Ao longo deste curso, você será introduzido ao emocionante mundo da criação de imagens com IA, onde aprenderá técnicas inovadoras e explorará ferramentas poderosas, como o Midjourney e o Leonardo AI.

O que você vai aprender neste curso:

  1. Introdução à criação de imagens com IA: Prepare-se para uma jornada emocionante e mergulhe nos conceitos fundamentais da criação de imagens com inteligência artificial. Entenda como a IA está revolucionando o campo do design gráfico e descubra como ela pode impulsionar sua criatividade.

  2. Explorando as ferramentas do Midjourney e Leonardo AI: Explore as poderosas ferramentas do Midjourney e do Leonardo AI para impulsionar suas criações de imagens com inteligência artificial. Domine as funcionalidades essenciais do Midjourney, uma ferramenta líder de mercado, e mergulhe no incrível mundo do Leonardo AI, uma plataforma revolucionária. Aprenda a utilizar recursos avançados, como geração de imagens realistas, estilo de transferência, melhoria de imagens e edição inteligente, para criar arte digital única e envolvente. Combinando o poder dessas duas plataformas, você será capaz de levar suas criações a um nível totalmente novo e alcançar resultados impressionantes.

  3. Dominando a criatividade com IA: Explore como a inteligência artificial pode desbloquear sua criatividade e inspirar novas abordagens na criação de imagens. Descubra técnicas e dicas exclusivas para criar composições visuais impressionantes, aproveitando todo o potencial da IA.

Este curso é voltado para designers gráficos, profissionais de marketing, entusiastas de tecnologia e qualquer pessoa que deseje explorar o mundo emocionante da criação de imagens com IA. Não importa se você é um iniciante ou possui experiência prévia, nosso curso foi projetado para ajudar você a desenvolver suas habilidades e alcançar resultados incríveis.

Junte-se a nós neste curso e descubra um novo mundo de possibilidades criativas com a ajuda do ChatGPT! Ao final do curso, você estará preparado para criar imagens deslumbrantes e impactantes, aproveitando todo o poder da inteligência artificial e dominando as ferramentas do Midjourney e Leonardo AI.

Não espere mais! Inscreva-se agora e deixe sua criatividade voar com a inteligência artificial!

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Você está pronto para dominar a criação de imagens com inteligência artificial? Bem-vindo ao curso "Como criar imagens com inteligência artificial: Domine a criação de artes no Midjourney e Leonardo AI"! Se você é apaixonado por design gráfico e deseja explorar o potencial da IA para criar imagens incríveis, este curso é perfeito para você!

Descubra as possibilidades ilimitadas que a inteligência artificial oferece para a criação visual. Ao longo deste curso, você será introduzido ao emocionante mundo da criação de imagens com IA, onde aprenderá técnicas inovadoras e explorará ferramentas poderosas, como o Midjourney e o Leonardo AI.

O que você vai aprender neste curso:

  1. Introdução à criação de imagens com IA: Prepare-se para uma jornada emocionante e mergulhe nos conceitos fundamentais da criação de imagens com inteligência artificial. Entenda como a IA está revolucionando o campo do design gráfico e descubra como ela pode impulsionar sua criatividade.

  2. Explorando as ferramentas do Midjourney e Leonardo AI: Explore as poderosas ferramentas do Midjourney e do Leonardo AI para impulsionar suas criações de imagens com inteligência artificial. Domine as funcionalidades essenciais do Midjourney, uma ferramenta líder de mercado, e mergulhe no incrível mundo do Leonardo AI, uma plataforma revolucionária. Aprenda a utilizar recursos avançados, como geração de imagens realistas, estilo de transferência, melhoria de imagens e edição inteligente, para criar arte digital única e envolvente. Combinando o poder dessas duas plataformas, você será capaz de levar suas criações a um nível totalmente novo e alcançar resultados impressionantes.

  3. Dominando a criatividade com IA: Explore como a inteligência artificial pode desbloquear sua criatividade e inspirar novas abordagens na criação de imagens. Descubra técnicas e dicas exclusivas para criar composições visuais impressionantes, aproveitando todo o potencial da IA.

Este curso é voltado para designers gráficos, profissionais de marketing, entusiastas de tecnologia e qualquer pessoa que deseje explorar o mundo emocionante da criação de imagens com IA. Não importa se você é um iniciante ou possui experiência prévia, nosso curso foi projetado para ajudar você a desenvolver suas habilidades e alcançar resultados incríveis.

Junte-se a nós neste curso e descubra um novo mundo de possibilidades criativas com a ajuda do ChatGPT! Ao final do curso, você estará preparado para criar imagens deslumbrantes e impactantes, aproveitando todo o poder da inteligência artificial e dominando as ferramentas do Midjourney e Leonardo AI.

Não espere mais! Inscreva-se agora e deixe sua criatividade voar com a inteligência artificial!

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Master the use of groundbreaking AI Art tools to generate stunning visuals, transform your creative workflow, and stay ahead in the world of digital art.

Do you want to learn how to create incredible AI-generated images with Midjourney, Dall-E and Stable Diffusion - the leading AI art tools?

Perfect, this course is the only course you need to learn ALL THREE tools.

Welcome to Midjourney, Dall-E, Stable Diffusion: AI Photography & Art, an online course designed to help you harness the power of creative AI tools and revolutionize your artistic process. Whether you're a digital artist, photographer, designer, or just passionate about visual creativity, this course will unlock new realms of possibility with innovative AI-driven tools.

What can you do after taking this course?

  1. Generate captivating visuals with Midjourney, Dall-E, and Stable Diffusion, showcasing your proficiency in using these AI tools.

  2. Craft effective prompts, leveraging keywords, images, and AI assistance for dynamic and inspiring results.

  3. Seamlessly integrate creative AI tools into your existing workflow, enhancing artistic output and efficiency.

  4. Apply advanced techniques, such as inpainting and outpainting, to create complex and innovative visuals.

  5. Utilize AI-generated art for specific applications like digital art, marketing, and design, broadening your creative opportunities.

  6. Fine-tune and customize AI-generated images using Photoshop and other editing tools to achieve desired outcomes.

  7. Navigate ethical and legal considerations, ensuring responsible and innovative artistry when using AI-generated art and photography.

  8. Keep up with the latest trends, research, and advancements in creative AI tools, staying competitive and informed within the industry.

  9. Collaborate effectively with AI, striking a balance between human creativity and AI-driven results for truly groundbreaking artistic creations.

  10. Develop a diverse and impressive portfolio of AI-generated artwork that showcases your unique artistic vision and mastery of cutting-edge AI tools.

What will you learn in this Midjourney, Dall-E and Stable Diffusion course?

Begin your journey by discovering the fascinating world of generative models, with a special focus on Mid-Journey, DALL-E, and Stable Diffusion. Understand the differences between these models and learn how they can transform your art and photography projects.

Section 1: Prompt Engineering:

Unlock the secrets of effective prompts! Explore the art of crafting good prompts, using keywords, negative prompts, and controlling image composition and lighting. Dive into using images as prompts, understanding seeds, and leveraging Chat-GPT and AI to generate dynamic prompts.

Section 2: Image Generation with Mid-Journey:

Embark on your Mid-Journey adventure by learning its architecture and capabilities. Set up Discord, generate images with Mid-Journey, and discover blend modes. Fine-tune and customize your generated images to create unique, awe-inspiring visuals.

Section 3: Image Generation with DALL-E:

Master DALL-E, an AI tool that generates images from text prompts. Learn about its architecture and capabilities, generate images using DALL-E, and explore the outpainting feature. Refine and tailor your generated images to achieve your desired results.

Section 4: Image Generation with Stable Diffusion:

Take a deep dive into Stable Diffusion's architecture and capabilities. Learn how to generate images online and on your computer, experiment with advanced techniques, and create mesmerizing animations with Stable Diffusion.

Section 5: Advanced Techniques:

Push the boundaries of your creativity by combining Mid-Journey and DALL-E for more complex image generation. Learn how to get realistic faces, fix image defects, and use masks and other advanced techniques.

Explore specific applications like digital art and marketing, and fine-tune your images with Photoshop. Discover best practices for using generative models in your projects and study case examples of complex image generation.

Section 6: Ethical and Legal Considerations:

Navigate the ethical and legal landscape of AI-generated art. Discuss copyright and intellectual property laws, and learn best practices for using generative models in your creative projects, ensuring responsible and innovative artistry.

By the end of this course, you will have a comprehensive understanding of creative AI tools, and the skills to generate captivating visuals with Mid-Journey, Dall-E, and Stable Diffusion. Your portfolio will flourish with AI-generated masterpieces, showcasing your unique artistic vision and your proficiency in using these groundbreaking tools.

Get instant access to:

  • Easy-to-watch video lessons

  • Downloadable practice files

  • Premium support if you ever get stuck

  • Lifetime access to the course & any updates

Who is your instructor?

This course is a partnership between Phil Ebiner of Video School, who has created some of the top video & design courses on Udemy taken by millions of happy students, and Viola Kanka Malaspina. Viola is a professional filmmaker and creative artist with a budding expertise in the world of creative AI tools like Midjourney, Dall-E and Stable Diffusion.

We're so excited that you're interested in this AI Art Generation Course. We can't wait to help you make better videos!

Enroll now and embark on a journey of limitless creativity, supercharge your workflow, and stay ahead of the curve in the world of digital art and photography. Join a community of like-minded creatives and share your AI-generated artwork, inspiring one another while exploring the endless possibilities of AI-driven artistry.


Phil & Viola

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Master the use of groundbreaking AI Art tools to generate stunning visuals, transform your creative workflow, and stay ahead in the world of digital art.

Do you want to learn how to create incredible AI-generated images with Midjourney, Dall-E and Stable Diffusion - the leading AI art tools?

Perfect, this course is the only course you need to learn ALL THREE tools.

Welcome to Midjourney, Dall-E, Stable Diffusion: AI Photography & Art, an online course designed to help you harness the power of creative AI tools and revolutionize your artistic process. Whether you're a digital artist, photographer, designer, or just passionate about visual creativity, this course will unlock new realms of possibility with innovative AI-driven tools.

What can you do after taking this course?

  1. Generate captivating visuals with Midjourney, Dall-E, and Stable Diffusion, showcasing your proficiency in using these AI tools.

  2. Craft effective prompts, leveraging keywords, images, and AI assistance for dynamic and inspiring results.

  3. Seamlessly integrate creative AI tools into your existing workflow, enhancing artistic output and efficiency.

  4. Apply advanced techniques, such as inpainting and outpainting, to create complex and innovative visuals.

  5. Utilize AI-generated art for specific applications like digital art, marketing, and design, broadening your creative opportunities.

  6. Fine-tune and customize AI-generated images using Photoshop and other editing tools to achieve desired outcomes.

  7. Navigate ethical and legal considerations, ensuring responsible and innovative artistry when using AI-generated art and photography.

  8. Keep up with the latest trends, research, and advancements in creative AI tools, staying competitive and informed within the industry.

  9. Collaborate effectively with AI, striking a balance between human creativity and AI-driven results for truly groundbreaking artistic creations.

  10. Develop a diverse and impressive portfolio of AI-generated artwork that showcases your unique artistic vision and mastery of cutting-edge AI tools.

What will you learn in this Midjourney, Dall-E and Stable Diffusion course?

Begin your journey by discovering the fascinating world of generative models, with a special focus on Mid-Journey, DALL-E, and Stable Diffusion. Understand the differences between these models and learn how they can transform your art and photography projects.

Section 1: Prompt Engineering:

Unlock the secrets of effective prompts! Explore the art of crafting good prompts, using keywords, negative prompts, and controlling image composition and lighting. Dive into using images as prompts, understanding seeds, and leveraging Chat-GPT and AI to generate dynamic prompts.

Section 2: Image Generation with Mid-Journey:

Embark on your Mid-Journey adventure by learning its architecture and capabilities. Set up Discord, generate images with Mid-Journey, and discover blend modes. Fine-tune and customize your generated images to create unique, awe-inspiring visuals.

Section 3: Image Generation with DALL-E:

Master DALL-E, an AI tool that generates images from text prompts. Learn about its architecture and capabilities, generate images using DALL-E, and explore the outpainting feature. Refine and tailor your generated images to achieve your desired results.

Section 4: Image Generation with Stable Diffusion:

Take a deep dive into Stable Diffusion's architecture and capabilities. Learn how to generate images online and on your computer, experiment with advanced techniques, and create mesmerizing animations with Stable Diffusion.

Section 5: Advanced Techniques:

Push the boundaries of your creativity by combining Mid-Journey and DALL-E for more complex image generation. Learn how to get realistic faces, fix image defects, and use masks and other advanced techniques.

Explore specific applications like digital art and marketing, and fine-tune your images with Photoshop. Discover best practices for using generative models in your projects and study case examples of complex image generation.

Section 6: Ethical and Legal Considerations:

Navigate the ethical and legal landscape of AI-generated art. Discuss copyright and intellectual property laws, and learn best practices for using generative models in your creative projects, ensuring responsible and innovative artistry.

By the end of this course, you will have a comprehensive understanding of creative AI tools, and the skills to generate captivating visuals with Mid-Journey, Dall-E, and Stable Diffusion. Your portfolio will flourish with AI-generated masterpieces, showcasing your unique artistic vision and your proficiency in using these groundbreaking tools.

Get instant access to:

  • Easy-to-watch video lessons

  • Downloadable practice files

  • Premium support if you ever get stuck

  • Lifetime access to the course & any updates

Who is your instructor?

This course is a partnership between Phil Ebiner of Video School, who has created some of the top video & design courses on Udemy taken by millions of happy students, and Viola Kanka Malaspina. Viola is a professional filmmaker and creative artist with a budding expertise in the world of creative AI tools like Midjourney, Dall-E and Stable Diffusion.

We're so excited that you're interested in this AI Art Generation Course. We can't wait to help you make better videos!

Enroll now and embark on a journey of limitless creativity, supercharge your workflow, and stay ahead of the curve in the world of digital art and photography. Join a community of like-minded creatives and share your AI-generated artwork, inspiring one another while exploring the endless possibilities of AI-driven artistry.


Phil & Viola

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Hi guys, Welcome to Character AI: Make & Talk to Lifelike Famous Figures Characters course. Here, in this course you will extensively learn how to create, design, customize, and interact or even communicate with hyper-realistic characters using Character AI that look and act exactly like real people. In terms of famous figurest characters available, Character AI has wide variety of options that you can create and customize based on your needs and personal preferences, those are including but not only limited to actors, actress, historical figures, politicians, singers, famous athletes, characters in game, characters in popular novels, famous philosophers, anime, and even animal characters. Therefore, by using Character AI, you will be able to turn your imagination into reality and breathe life into your projects as you have the full capabilities of not only creating and designing famous figures characters but also you can have conversation with the characters you’ve just created. This course will guide you step by step on how to utilise Character AI starting from exploring many different features available there, to creating characters from scratch and conducting special adjustment based on what you want. In addition, this course also comes with three fully guided projects where you will be guided step by step on how to create and design new character from scratch, in the first project, we will created a character of famous historical figure, in the second project, we will create celebrity character, meanwhile in the third project, we will create an anime character. At the end of the course, you will also learn several different strategies to start a business and monetise your expertise creating and designing characters using Character AI

First of all, before getting into the course, we need to ask this question to ourselves: why should we learn Character AI? Well, the answer to that question is actually pretty simple, despite the fact that Character AI is relatively a new platform, it was made available to use for public in September 2022, nonetheless, Character AI has gained popularity within the last several months and as it significantly becomes more popular and the demand of high quality digital characters also increases due to emerging digitalisation in today’s market. Therefore, mastering skills in creating and designing digital characters using Characters AI would not only be beneficial but in fact necessary in the market. In addition, as Character AI also accommodates its users to have communication with AI powered famous figures, this particular feature will also be the determining factor of a new technology era which transforms imaginations in your head and make them into reality. Lastly, there are a lot of potentials where you can build sustainable business and generate stable income from having the expertise of creating digital characters and customising based on your customer or client’s needs.

Below are things that you will learn in the course:

  • Exploring and navigating Character AI dashboard

  • Chatting with famous figures characters powered by AI

  • Chatting with famous historical figures powered by AI

  • Chatting with famous anime characters powered by AI

  • Generate images using Character AI

  • Learn languages using Character AI

  • Setting up AI personal assistant & AI helpers

  • Create your own character from scratch

  • Create your own room where characters can interact with each other

  • Learn how to monetise your expertise in creating digital characters

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Hi guys, Welcome to Character AI: Make & Talk to Lifelike Famous Figures Characters course. Here, in this course you will extensively learn how to create, design, customize, and interact or even communicate with hyper-realistic characters using Character AI that look and act exactly like real people. In terms of famous figurest characters available, Character AI has wide variety of options that you can create and customize based on your needs and personal preferences, those are including but not only limited to actors, actress, historical figures, politicians, singers, famous athletes, characters in game, characters in popular novels, famous philosophers, anime, and even animal characters. Therefore, by using Character AI, you will be able to turn your imagination into reality and breathe life into your projects as you have the full capabilities of not only creating and designing famous figures characters but also you can have conversation with the characters you’ve just created. This course will guide you step by step on how to utilise Character AI starting from exploring many different features available there, to creating characters from scratch and conducting special adjustment based on what you want. In addition, this course also comes with three fully guided projects where you will be guided step by step on how to create and design new character from scratch, in the first project, we will created a character of famous historical figure, in the second project, we will create celebrity character, meanwhile in the third project, we will create an anime character. At the end of the course, you will also learn several different strategies to start a business and monetise your expertise creating and designing characters using Character AI

First of all, before getting into the course, we need to ask this question to ourselves: why should we learn Character AI? Well, the answer to that question is actually pretty simple, despite the fact that Character AI is relatively a new platform, it was made available to use for public in September 2022, nonetheless, Character AI has gained popularity within the last several months and as it significantly becomes more popular and the demand of high quality digital characters also increases due to emerging digitalisation in today’s market. Therefore, mastering skills in creating and designing digital characters using Characters AI would not only be beneficial but in fact necessary in the market. In addition, as Character AI also accommodates its users to have communication with AI powered famous figures, this particular feature will also be the determining factor of a new technology era which transforms imaginations in your head and make them into reality. Lastly, there are a lot of potentials where you can build sustainable business and generate stable income from having the expertise of creating digital characters and customising based on your customer or client’s needs.

Below are things that you will learn in the course:

  • Exploring and navigating Character AI dashboard

  • Chatting with famous figures characters powered by AI

  • Chatting with famous historical figures powered by AI

  • Chatting with famous anime characters powered by AI

  • Generate images using Character AI

  • Learn languages using Character AI

  • Setting up AI personal assistant & AI helpers

  • Create your own character from scratch

  • Create your own room where characters can interact with each other

  • Learn how to monetise your expertise in creating digital characters


Do you want more authority and control over the visual you generate by Midjourney AI?

You will learn how to master writing prompts in this course!

This course on AI image generation focuses on mastering writing prompts to create detailed and precise images in Midjourney. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced practitioner, this course will provide you with a deep understanding of how to approach writing prompts to generate the best possible images.

This is the most advanced and comprehensive course on Prompt Writing for Midjourney!

Intended for those looking to improve their skills in Midjourney's AI image generation, the course covers the complexities and intricacies of writing prompts. You will learn how to think about prompting to ensure your images come out with as much detail and control as possible.

The key takeaways from this course include:

•Understanding the role of writing prompts: You will learn about the importance of writing prompts in AI image generation, and how to use them to generate more accurate and realistic images.

•Types of writing prompts: In this section, you will explore different types of writing prompts that can be used for AI image generation.

•Fine-tuning language models: You will learn how to fine-tune pre-trained AI image generation models using writing prompts, and how to optimize these models for specific image generation tasks.

By the end of the course, you will be able to create more accurate and realistic images using writing prompts, and will have a solid foundation for further exploration in the field.

Join the class and become a writing prompt master with Midjourney AI!


Do you want more authority and control over the visual you generate by Midjourney AI?

You will learn how to master writing prompts in this course!

This course on AI image generation focuses on mastering writing prompts to create detailed and precise images in Midjourney. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced practitioner, this course will provide you with a deep understanding of how to approach writing prompts to generate the best possible images.

This is the most advanced and comprehensive course on Prompt Writing for Midjourney!

Intended for those looking to improve their skills in Midjourney's AI image generation, the course covers the complexities and intricacies of writing prompts. You will learn how to think about prompting to ensure your images come out with as much detail and control as possible.

The key takeaways from this course include:

•Understanding the role of writing prompts: You will learn about the importance of writing prompts in AI image generation, and how to use them to generate more accurate and realistic images.

•Types of writing prompts: In this section, you will explore different types of writing prompts that can be used for AI image generation.

•Fine-tuning language models: You will learn how to fine-tune pre-trained AI image generation models using writing prompts, and how to optimize these models for specific image generation tasks.

By the end of the course, you will be able to create more accurate and realistic images using writing prompts, and will have a solid foundation for further exploration in the field.

Join the class and become a writing prompt master with Midjourney AI!


Du möchtest lernen, wie KI-Tools wie ChatGPT, Leonardo AI, Dall-E und viele mehr funktionieren, da du gehört hast, dass die Zukunft der Menschheit davon abhängt?

Dann ist dieser Kurs genau das Richtige für dich!

In diesem umfassenden KI-Meisterkurs werden wir gemeinsam daran arbeiten, deine Fähigkeiten mit diesen leistungsstarken KI-Tools zu entwickeln.

Im Kurs werden wir die Grundlagen von ChatGPT kennenlernen, einschließlich einer Einführung in die Plattform, einem Vergleich mit anderen KI-Tools und einer Übersicht über das Website-Layout und die Benutzeroberfläche.

Wir werden effektive Prompts erstellen für ChatGPT, Google Bard, Gemini von Deepmind, Midjourney und Stable Diffusion und dabei lernen, wie wir die Inputs modifizieren können, um bessere Ergebnisse zu erzielen.

Darüber hinaus wirst du lernen, wie man effektive Texte schreibt, indem du ChatGPT für Content-Erstellung, Social Media, Werbetexte, SEO und YouTube-Skripte einsetzt.

Ein weiterer cooler Punkt des Kurses liegt auf der Code-Generierung mit ChatGPT.

Du wirst lernen, wie du ChatGPT für Code-Generierung, Debugging und Dokumentation einsetzen kannst.

Dabei werden wir auch gemeinsam eine Webseite erstellen und sogar zusammen das beliebte Spiel Snake programmieren.

Um Midjourney, Stable Diffusion und DALL-E 3 zu meistern, werden wir uns intensiv mit generativer Kunst befassen.

Du wirst lernen, wie du mit diesen Tools einzigartige Kunstwerke erstellst, indem du all ihre Geheimnisse kennenlernst.

Dabei werden wir auch das technische Hintergrundwissen von LLM und Diffusionsmodellen besprechen, um perfektes Prompt Engineering für Midjourney, Stable Diffusion (mit negativen Prompts) und ChatGPT zu erlernen.

Der Kurs deckt auch den Einsatz von KI-Tools für Geschäftszwecke ab, einschließlich Marketing-E-Mails, Ideenfindung und Produktivität.

Du wirst lernen, wie du KI-Tools zur Generierung innovativer Geschäftsideen einsetzt und dein Schreiben für die Geschäftskommunikation optimierst.

Außerdem werden wir verschiedene Plattformen und nützliche Links erkunden, darunter auch viele kostenlose Open-Source-Tools.

Als Bonus werden wir uns auch mit KI-Video-Tools beschäftigen, um sprechende KI-Avatare zu erstellen und visuell beeindruckende Videos für Plattformen wie TikTok, Instagram, Reels und Shorts in großen Mengen zu produzieren.

Sogar 3D-Welten, 3D-Objekte und Text-to-Video-Tools sind in Kurs enthalten.

Zusätzlich lernst du KI-Foto-Tools kennen, um deine Fotos zu bearbeiten, Wasserzeichen zu entfernen und ihnen eine persönliche Note zu verleihen.

Leonardo AI hat das Ziel, das Photoshop im AI-Bereich zu werden, und wir werden uns die coolen Dinge wie Inpainting, Outpainting und vieles mehr ansehen im AI-Canvas von Leonardo.

Auch Text-to-Audio und Text-to-Music werden wir uns ansehen, damit du Sprache und Musik erstellen kannst.

Mit lebenslangem Zugriff auf über 15 Stunden Lerninhalt und regelmäßigen Updates des Kurses hast du die Möglichkeit, deine Fähigkeiten kontinuierlich zu erweitern und von den neuesten Entwicklungen in der KI-Welt zu profitieren.

Das Kombinieren von allen Tools ist uns ein wichtiger Punkt, und genau deshalb arbeiten wir zusammen an einem gesamten Beispielprojekt, damit du die Arbeitsschritte verstehst und selbst all diese Tools optimal kombinieren kannst.

Es warten viele tolle Ideen und praxisnahe Beispiele auf dich, um die Produktivität zu erhöhen, Geld zu verdienen, neue Jobs auszuüben oder zu finden.

Ich bin komplett ehrlich mit dir und zeige auch die negativen Eigenschaften der Tools auf.

Wir versuchen sogar, einen Blick in die Zukunft zu werfen und darüber zu philosophieren, wie sich KI auf die Zukunft auswirken wird.

Der Kurs bietet auch schnellen Support, um sicherzustellen, dass du das Beste aus deinem Lernprozess herausholst.

Wenn du bereit bist, deine Kreativität zu entfesseln, produktiver als je zuvor zu sein und neue Einkommensquellen zu erschließen, dann ist dieser Kurs genau das Richtige für dich.

Wir sehen und im Kurs!


Du möchtest lernen, wie KI-Tools wie ChatGPT, Leonardo AI, Dall-E und viele mehr funktionieren, da du gehört hast, dass die Zukunft der Menschheit davon abhängt?

Dann ist dieser Kurs genau das Richtige für dich!

In diesem umfassenden KI-Meisterkurs werden wir gemeinsam daran arbeiten, deine Fähigkeiten mit diesen leistungsstarken KI-Tools zu entwickeln.

Im Kurs werden wir die Grundlagen von ChatGPT kennenlernen, einschließlich einer Einführung in die Plattform, einem Vergleich mit anderen KI-Tools und einer Übersicht über das Website-Layout und die Benutzeroberfläche.

Wir werden effektive Prompts erstellen für ChatGPT, Google Bard, Gemini von Deepmind, Midjourney und Stable Diffusion und dabei lernen, wie wir die Inputs modifizieren können, um bessere Ergebnisse zu erzielen.

Darüber hinaus wirst du lernen, wie man effektive Texte schreibt, indem du ChatGPT für Content-Erstellung, Social Media, Werbetexte, SEO und YouTube-Skripte einsetzt.

Ein weiterer cooler Punkt des Kurses liegt auf der Code-Generierung mit ChatGPT.

Du wirst lernen, wie du ChatGPT für Code-Generierung, Debugging und Dokumentation einsetzen kannst.

Dabei werden wir auch gemeinsam eine Webseite erstellen und sogar zusammen das beliebte Spiel Snake programmieren.

Um Midjourney, Stable Diffusion und DALL-E 3 zu meistern, werden wir uns intensiv mit generativer Kunst befassen.

Du wirst lernen, wie du mit diesen Tools einzigartige Kunstwerke erstellst, indem du all ihre Geheimnisse kennenlernst.

Dabei werden wir auch das technische Hintergrundwissen von LLM und Diffusionsmodellen besprechen, um perfektes Prompt Engineering für Midjourney, Stable Diffusion (mit negativen Prompts) und ChatGPT zu erlernen.

Der Kurs deckt auch den Einsatz von KI-Tools für Geschäftszwecke ab, einschließlich Marketing-E-Mails, Ideenfindung und Produktivität.

Du wirst lernen, wie du KI-Tools zur Generierung innovativer Geschäftsideen einsetzt und dein Schreiben für die Geschäftskommunikation optimierst.

Außerdem werden wir verschiedene Plattformen und nützliche Links erkunden, darunter auch viele kostenlose Open-Source-Tools.

Als Bonus werden wir uns auch mit KI-Video-Tools beschäftigen, um sprechende KI-Avatare zu erstellen und visuell beeindruckende Videos für Plattformen wie TikTok, Instagram, Reels und Shorts in großen Mengen zu produzieren.

Sogar 3D-Welten, 3D-Objekte und Text-to-Video-Tools sind in Kurs enthalten.

Zusätzlich lernst du KI-Foto-Tools kennen, um deine Fotos zu bearbeiten, Wasserzeichen zu entfernen und ihnen eine persönliche Note zu verleihen.

Leonardo AI hat das Ziel, das Photoshop im AI-Bereich zu werden, und wir werden uns die coolen Dinge wie Inpainting, Outpainting und vieles mehr ansehen im AI-Canvas von Leonardo.

Auch Text-to-Audio und Text-to-Music werden wir uns ansehen, damit du Sprache und Musik erstellen kannst.

Mit lebenslangem Zugriff auf über 15 Stunden Lerninhalt und regelmäßigen Updates des Kurses hast du die Möglichkeit, deine Fähigkeiten kontinuierlich zu erweitern und von den neuesten Entwicklungen in der KI-Welt zu profitieren.

Das Kombinieren von allen Tools ist uns ein wichtiger Punkt, und genau deshalb arbeiten wir zusammen an einem gesamten Beispielprojekt, damit du die Arbeitsschritte verstehst und selbst all diese Tools optimal kombinieren kannst.

Es warten viele tolle Ideen und praxisnahe Beispiele auf dich, um die Produktivität zu erhöhen, Geld zu verdienen, neue Jobs auszuüben oder zu finden.

Ich bin komplett ehrlich mit dir und zeige auch die negativen Eigenschaften der Tools auf.

Wir versuchen sogar, einen Blick in die Zukunft zu werfen und darüber zu philosophieren, wie sich KI auf die Zukunft auswirken wird.

Der Kurs bietet auch schnellen Support, um sicherzustellen, dass du das Beste aus deinem Lernprozess herausholst.

Wenn du bereit bist, deine Kreativität zu entfesseln, produktiver als je zuvor zu sein und neue Einkommensquellen zu erschließen, dann ist dieser Kurs genau das Richtige für dich.

Wir sehen und im Kurs!